At WCW, we are dedicated to open, honest communication, responsibility and trust. You can find all of our plans, documents and reports, including detailed financial information, below.

WCW is nationally recognized for our commitment to accountability, repeatedly winning multiple transparency and financial excellence awards such as the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association, the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence from the Special District Leadership Foundation, and ongoing recognition from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers.

To us, responsibility includes more than transparency and trust today. It means planning ahead to support our community as its wastewater needs change and grow. We use innovative approaches, effective problem-solving and integrated partnerships to efficiently meet the demands of an expanding community and prepare for the future, as evidenced in all of our planning efforts.

Additional Plans

WCW’s Clean & Green Sustainability: The Next Generation of Progress

This bold project began in the design phase in 2021, is estimated to be complete by 2024, and aims to reduce WCW’s energy consumption by 93%. Significant improvements to operational efficiencies include upgrading equipment and infrastructure at WCW’s Water Quality & Resource Recovery Plant (The Plant).

In 2023 and 2024, the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays will be installed at various WCW locations. A new microgrid will also be installed to provide backup power to our plant operations. The project also allows WCW to move to a thermal drying system, which will reduce the amount of sludge sent to a landfill and significantly lower WCW’s GHG emissions. During the project, the construction of an additional Equalization Basin allows WCW to manage the influx of water during mega-storms and adapt to the effects climate change.

Click here to learn more about the Clean & Green Project.


The Strategic Plan maps out a path to guide WCW over the next five years, ensuring ongoing reliable service, while continuing to protect public health and the environment. The plan reflects our direction as an agency, supporting a vision for a future of collaboration, innovation and trust.


The GIS Strategic Plan delves into the organization’s GIS ecosystem, examining software and hardware requirements, data management protocols, training needs, and budget considerations. It highlights the potential benefits of a GIS program, including enhanced data accuracy, improved visualization capabilities, and streamlined decision-making processes.


The Sewer System Management Plan reflects sewer collection system operations and maintenance programs, processes and documents. WCW is responsible for updating and implementing the Overflow Emergency Response Plan; Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control Program; legal authority; measures and activities; design and construction standards; capacity management; Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) monitoring; measurement and program modifications; and audits.


The Capital Improvement Plan outlines maintenance, upgrades and additions to the sewer system infrastructure and operations, such as sewer pipes, tanks and facilities, over the next ten years.


The Climate Action Plan guides WCW in reaching its environmental goals, including becoming a carbon-neutral organization. It supports our commitment to environmental stewardship, conservation, recycling/reuse of resources, environmentalism and sustainable practices.



In October 2015, the State of California enacted Senate Bill 272 requiring local agencies to make publicly available a list of enterprise systems used throughout each agency. An enterprise system is defined as a software application that collects, exchanges, and analyzes information that the agency uses or one that serves as an original data source.