Contact: Kate Gibbs (510) 390-4844
Date: June 14, 2022
Statement Regarding Inappropriate Material Shown During WCW Committee Meeting
(Richmond, CA) Today at 10:00 a.m., during a West County Wastewater (WCW) Infrastructure, Operations & Environment Committee meeting, an agenda item titled, “Receive an update from Director Wiener on the 2022 Bioneers Conference”, was introduced and a video presented that contained the use of inappropriate and vulgar language. At the conclusion of the video presentation, Deputy General Manager, Andrew Clough, was quick to apologize for the language.
West County Wastewater does not condone the language, tone, vulgarity, or spirit of the video presented, nor were staff aware of the video’s content at the time of the meeting. WCW apologizes to anyone who participated in or was audience to the video. WCW also does not condone or support the decision of Board Member, Harry Wiener, to play a video that was in such poor taste and inappropriate for any audience.